Yalwa is a company that offers local classifieds, business directory, and Q&A websites in over 40 countries.
February 2010 – June 2013
- Managed offsite SEO for English speaking markets for Yalwa, Locanto and askalo brands
- Managed content acquisition and SEO enhancement of content for Yalwa English speaking markets
- Wrote onsite and offsite SEO articles
- Hired, trained, and managed interns for offsite SEO efforts in English speaking markets all brands
- Coached team members in link building
- Followed SEO trends and new tools, and incorporated them into marketing efforts as needed
- Used Google analytics to track and report SEO traffic statistics for Yalwa and askalo brands
Online Marketing Specialist
- Created localized SEO texts for English speaking markets for askalo brand
- Executed link building campaigns for English speaking markets for all brands
- Coached team through link building campaigns
- Led link bait execution for launch of askalo brand in English speaking markets
- Researched and tracked relevant keyword positions for Locanto and askalo brands
- Wrote SEO articles
- Trained and coached new employees for SEO efforts in all markets
- Followed SEO trends and new tools, and incorporated them into marketing strategy as needed
- Used Google analytics to track and report SEO traffic statistics
Online Marketing Trainee
- Localized texts for Locanto and Yalwa brands in English speaking markets
- Executed link building campaigns
- Researched and tracked keyword positions
- Wrote SEO articles
- Participated in trainings for all online marketing channels, mainly SEO
- Used Google analytics to track and report SEO traffic statistics
Invite me to speak or let’s talk about online marketing sometime
If you want to invite me to speak about online marketing or talk to me about anything else, you can write me through the contact form on this page.